Mastering Data Analytics

Basic |Intermediate | Advanced

Course Overview

Mastering Data Analytics  is a comprehensive educational journey that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the field of data science and data analysis

Course Outcome

Upon completing this course, individuals should have a deep understanding of data science principles, tools, and best practices. They will be prepared to work in various roles within the data science field, such as data scientists, data analysts, and machine learning engineers. Additionally, they will have the knowledge and skills to extract valuable insights from data, make data-driven decisions, and contribute to data-driven innovations in various industries.

Learning Peeks

Course Duration

12 Weeks

Course Structure



Available Online/Offline

Recognized Certification

Earn a certification on completion

Flexible Schedules

Flexible study schedules


English Language

Training Days

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Course Prerequisite

The following are required



₦300,000.00 ***installmental payment available for this course

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