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Relaxed Atmosphere, Best Working Environment, Topnotch Projects

Opportunities at Schoolville

  • Create an environment in which the individual differences and contributions of all team members are recognized and valued;
  • Create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee;
  • Attract and retain a skilled and diverse workforce that best represents the talent available in the communities in which our assets are located and our employees reside;
  • Ensure appropriate selection criteria based on diverse skills, experience and perspectives is used when hiring new staff, including Board members. Job specifications, advertisements, application forms and contracts will not contain any direct or inferred discrimination;
  • Ensure that applicants and employees of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply for and have fair opportunity to be considered for all available roles;
  • Provide, to the greatest extent possible, universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible premises that allow everyone to participate and work to their full potential;
  • Comply with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation;
  • Not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, victimization, vilification or harassment and to take disciplinary action against those who violate this policy;
  • Provide training, development and advancement opportunities for all staff based on merit;
  • Ensure each gender represents at least 40% of the management team;
  • Encourage anyone who feels they have been discriminated, to express their concerns so that we can take corrective action;
  • Encourage employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect;
  • Regularly review all our employment practices and procedures so that fairness is maintained at all times;
  • Ensure to the greatest extent possible that all panels that Schoolville organizes or participates on include representation of each gender;
  • Set measurable objectives for gender diversity which will be monitored and reviewed against the effectiveness of this policy and associated procedures;

Current Openings

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