Certified Cybersecurity Professional

In today's digitally unified world, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has never been more critical. This comprehensive "Cybersecurity" program is designed to equip trainees with the knowledge and skills required to safeguard digital assets, protect sensitive information, and defend against a wide range of cyber threats. Whether you're an IT professional, aspiring cybersecurity specialist, or an individual interested in strengthening your digital security, this program provides the essential foundation for a successful cybersecurity career.

Course Overview

Fundamental Understanding: Gain a solid understanding of the core concepts and principles of cybersecurity, including the importance of data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Threat Landscape: Explore the evolving cyber threat landscape and learn to identify various types of cyber threats and attack vectors.

Best Practices: Acquire practical knowledge about implementing best practices in cybersecurity, covering areas such as network security, secure coding, incident response, and compliance.

Hands-On Skills: Develop practical skills through hands-on labs and exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, enabling you to apply cybersecurity concepts effectively.

Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to assess and mitigate cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities.

Ethical Hacking: Gain insights into ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques, enabling you to identify and rectify vulnerabilities before malicious actors exploit them.

Course Outcome

Upon completion of this course, participants would have in the following areas:

  • Demonstrate a strong understanding of cybersecurity fundamentals, including key concepts, principles, and terminology.
  • Identify and assess various cyber threats and attack vectors, enabling effective threat recognition and mitigation.
  • Implement best practices in network security, secure coding, incident response, and compliance, enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.
  • Apply practical hands-on skills to address real-world cybersecurity challenges and secure digital assets effectively.
  • Critically assess and mitigate cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities, making informed decisions to protect data and systems.
  • Utilize ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques to identify and remediate security weaknesses proactively.
  • Create and enforce security policies and comply with relevant regulations, ensuring data protection and privacy.
  • Manage vulnerabilities efficiently, including identification, assessment, remediation, and patch management.

Learning Peeks

Course Duration

12 Weeks

Course Structure



Available Online/Offline

Recognized Certification

Earn a certification on completion

Flexible Schedules

Flexible study schedules


English Language

Training Days

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Course Prerequisite

The following are required

Basic Computer Literacy Familiarity with basic networking concepts • Basic knowledge of operating systems, especially in the context of security consideration, would be helpful. • Basic Programming concepts can be added advantage


₦300,000.00 ***installmental payment available for this course

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