Engineering Innovations: Building the Future

"Engineering Innovations" offers an in-depth exploration of the core disciplines within engineering, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and chemical engineering, as well as emerging fields such as biomedical and environmental engineering. Through a blend of theoretical learning, practical application, and project-based challenges, participants will gain a holistic understanding of how engineering principles are applied to innovate and develop solutions for real-world challenges.

Course Overview

Welcome to "Engineering Innovations: Building the Future," a comprehensive engineering course designed for those passionate about understanding and applying the principles of engineering to solve complex problems and shape the world around us. This course takes you on a journey through the various fields of engineering, providing both foundational knowledge and insights into cutting-edge advancements.

The course is structured around three modules, each designed to build upon the last, from introducing basic engineering concepts to exploring advanced technologies and their applications in today's global challenges.

"Engineering Innovations: Building the Future" is an ideal course for aspiring engineers, professionals seeking to broaden their knowledge, and enthusiasts eager to understand how engineering shapes our world. It offers a unique blend of academic learning and practical experience, preparing participants to contribute to the future of engineering.

Course Outcome

Participants will:

  1. Gain a solid understanding of fundamental engineering principles across multiple disciplines.
  2. Develop practical skills through hands-on workshops and laboratory experiments.
  3. Learn to apply engineering design processes to conceive, design, implement, and operate systems.
  4. Explore the role of emerging technologies in shaping the future of engineering.
  5. Complete a capstone project that addresses a significant engineering challenge.

Learning Peeks

Course Duration

4 Weeks

Course Structure

Hybrid Learning


Available Online/Offline

Recognized Certification

Earn a certification on completion

Flexible Schedules

Flexible study schedules


English Language

Training Days

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Course Prerequisite

The following are required

High school level mathematics and physics.Basic computer skills for participating in online components. A keen interest in engineering and technology.


₦100,000.00 ***installmental payment available for this course

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