Cloud Computing and Virtualization Skills

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing and virtualization technologies, practices, and trends. Participants will learn about different cloud service models, deployment strategies, virtualization techniques, and how to manage cloud resources effectively. The course is suitable for IT professionals, system administrators, and anyone interested in leveraging cloud technologies for business.

Course Overview

The course is divided into three modules: basic, intermediate, and advanced. Each module introduces new concepts and builds on the previous ones, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of both cloud computing and data visualization.

Course Outcome

  • Proficient understanding of cloud computing architecture, models, and services.
  • Ability to deploy and manage applications in the cloud.
  • Knowledge of data visualization principles and techniques.
  • Skills in using leading visualization tools and software.
  • Understanding of integrating cloud technologies with data visualization for business intelligence.

Note: The course concludes with a significant project that allows participants to demonstrate their skills in cloud computing and data visualization in a practical context. Upon successful completion, participants will receive a certificate of completion or earn credits towards professional development. This course is ideal for IT professionals, data analysts, and anyone interested in leveraging cloud and visualization technologies for enhanced data-driven decision-making.

Learning Peeks

Course Duration

12 Weeks

Course Structure

Hybrid Learning


Available Online/Offline

Recognized Certification

Earn a certification on completion

Flexible Schedules

Flexible study schedules


English Language

Training Days

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Course Prerequisite

The following are required

- Basic Computer Skills and Internet Literacy - Fundamental Understanding of Data Handling - Interest in Cloud Technologies and Data Presentation - Logical and Analytical Thinking Ability


₦300,000.00 ***installmental payment available for this course

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