Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This course provides an overview of artificial intelligence, exploring its principles, technologies, and real-world applications. It is designed for students with an interest in AI, offering insights into how AI systems are built and operate.

Course Overview

The course is structured into three modules: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Each module progressively covers more complex topics.

The "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" course covers the fundamental concepts of AI, including machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and ethical considerations in AI development. Students will learn about the history of AI, current technologies, and future trends. Through lectures, hands-on projects, and case studies, participants will gain a solid understanding of AI's impact on various industries.

Course Outcome

  • Understand the foundational principles of artificial intelligence.
  • Familiarize with machine learning algorithms and data processing.
  • Explore AI applications in real-world scenarios.
  • Analyze ethical and societal implications of AI technologies.
  • Complete a project demonstrating basic AI implementation.

Learning Peeks

Course Duration

4 Weeks

Course Structure

Hybrid Learning


Available Online/Offline

Recognized Certification

Earn a certification on completion

Flexible Schedules

Flexible study schedules


English Language

Training Days

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Course Prerequisite

The following are required

Basic programming knowledge (e.g., Python) is recommended but not required. An understanding of algebra and statistics can be helpful.


₦100,000.00 ***installmental payment available for this course

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